How much is a taxi from Narvik to Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes?
A taxi from Narvik to Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes will cost about 628 NOK. The base price is 70.0 NOK and the price per KM is 10.3 NOK.
What’s the distance between Narvik and Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes?
The distance between Narvik and Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes is 61.3 Km. The duration of the trip is 1 hour and 11 minutes min in light traffic.
What other ways are there to get to Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes?
If you can’t find a taxi to Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes try other forms of public transportation like a bus or a train.
How do I calculate the taxi fare Between Narvik and Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes?
Simply enter your starting point and destination at We’ll calculate the estimated price based on Narvik fares and your specific route.
What’s the price of a Taxi in Narvik?
The starting price of a taxi in Narvik is 70.0 NOK. Each KM is then priced at 10.3 NOK . if you need the driver to wait for you this will cost 417.0 NOK per hour .