
Iceland Taxi Fare Calculator 2025

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How is a taxi fare
calculated in Iceland

Several factors impact the taxi fare in Iceland

Taxi fare (2025)

Base fee (day)
Price per KM
351 ISK
Waiting time per hour
Taxi rate calculation example

Let’s say you want to get from Reykjavik hotel to the airport and the ride is 5 km. You’re traveling by day, and you have 1 luggage. You total price will be 2485 ISK.

Taxi fare calculator

Taxi fare in Iceland

Travelers exploring Iceland should be aware of taxi rates to properly budget their transportation expenses. The base rate for taxis in Iceland is 730 ISK, with an additional charge of 351 ISK per kilometer traveled. The hourly waiting rate is 7920 ISK.

To estimate taxi fares in Iceland, use the Taxi Fare Calculator Iceland, which accounts for the route and destination. Though taxis in Iceland can be costly compared to other countries, they provide a reliable and convenient mode of transportation, especially in areas where public transport is limited.

Keep in mind that factors such as weather conditions and distance can influence the final taxi fare. By familiarizing yourself with Iceland taxi costs, you can make informed decisions about transportation options and manage your travel budget effectively. Download an Iceland taxi app for easy booking and ensure a smooth journey in this breathtaking country.

Taxi fare in Iceland
Use GoByTaxi to get the best taxi fare in Iceland

Book a taxi in Iceland

Taxi drivers in Iceland, book now
Fellsmúli 26, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland
Skógarhlíð 10, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
Bíldshöfði 14, 110 Reykjavík, Iceland
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Iceland taxi fare - FAQ

How extensive is the taxi service in Iceland?
80% of the taxi fleet is concentrated in Reykjavik, so their availability in areas such as Lake Myvatn and East Iceland, and the Westfjords is limited. While taxis are available in other areas, the numbers are quite low, and it's often necessary to book in advance via a special number, as there are no taxi ranks in use.
What do you need to do to book a taxi in more remote areas in Iceland?
If you need a taxi in more remote areas like Lake Myvatn and East Iceland, it's often necessary to book in advance via a special number, as there are no taxi ranks in use. In some cases, the taxi service is provided by local companies that may only have a few cars available.
Are taxi prices in Iceland high?
Yes, taxi prices in Iceland, like other services in the country, are quite high. The minimum fare is 730 ISK (US$ 5.20), and the cost per kilometer is 351 kr (US$ 2.40). While the prices may seem high, it's important to note that the cost of living in Iceland is also high, and taxi drivers have to cover significant expenses like fuel and maintenance.
What is the price range for a taxi from Reykjavik city center to Keflavik Airport?
The price for a taxi from Reykjavik city center to Keflavik Airport is not fixed and varies according to traffic. It can cost between 16,000 ISK and 20,000 ISK and may be higher during peak hours or bad weather.
Is it necessary to take a taxi in Reykjavik?
It's not usually necessary to take a taxi in Reykjavik due to its small size and good bus network. The city center is relatively compact, and most of the main attractions are within walking distance. However, if you have heavy luggage or are in a rush, a taxi can be a convenient option. Taxis are also useful if you miss the last city bus during the week, as night buses only run on Fridays and Saturdays.
What is the minimum fare for a taxi in Iceland?
The minimum fare for a taxi in Iceland is 730 ISK (US$ 5.20). This covers the first few kilometers of the journey, and the cost per kilometer is added on top of that.
How much is a taxi in Iceland?
A 5km ride in Iceland costs about 2485 ISK. Enter your route to get a more accurate price. In general the price is affected by several factors including the route length and the driver’s waiting time.
How do I order a taxi in Iceland?
You can stop a taxi on the street in Iceland or use a ride hailing app. We recommend using an app in Iceland as these services monitor the quality of the drivers and taxis on an ongoing basis.
What other ways are there to get around in Iceland?
if you can’t find a taxi Iceland or the price is too high you can always take a bus, rent a scooter, a bicycle or a car. Walking is also a great option if it’s a short distance and the weather suits.
How do I calculate the taxi fare in Iceland?
Simply enter your starting point and destination at We’ll calculate the estimated price based on Iceland taxi fares and your specific route. This will also work for destinations outside Iceland.
What’s the price of Taxi in Iceland per KM?
The starting price of a taxi in Iceland is 730.0 ISK. Each KM is then priced at 351.0 ISK. if you need the driver to wait for you this will cost 7,920.0 ISK per hour.

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