El Salvador

El Salvador Taxi Fare Calculator 2024

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How is a taxi fare
calculated in El Salvador

Several factors impact the taxi fare in El Salvador

Taxi fare (2024)

Base fee (day)
Price per KM
Waiting time per hour
Taxi rate calculation example

Let’s say you want to get from San Salvador hotel to the airport and the ride is 5 km. You’re traveling by day, and you have 1 luggage. You total price will be 20 USD.

Taxi fare calculator

Taxi fare in El Salvador

Taxis are a common mode of transportation in El Salvador, and they are often the easiest way to get around for both locals and visitors. The taxi rates in El Salvador are relatively affordable, with a base rate of around 5 USD and a price of approximately 3 USD per kilometer. If you need to make any stops or wait for the driver for an hour, the waiting charge is usually 12.5 USD per hour.

While taxi El Salvador services are widely available, it is important to note that they are not always regulated by the government, so it is best to confirm the price with the driver before starting your journey. It is also important to note that taxis are not metered in El Salvador, so it is common practice to negotiate the price with the driver before starting your journey.

Overall, taxis in El Salvador are a convenient and affordable way to get around the country, and they offer a great way to explore the local area without having to worry about navigating public transportation.

Taxi fare in El Salvador
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